Behavioral & Social-Emotional Supports Learning

As part of CVESD's district-wide Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS), our school offers students a holistic and supportive educational experience. We emphasize Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) to help students develop the tools needed to navigate life's challenges and instill the values of respect, responsibility, and kindness. Our approach includes school-wide positive expectations, a reward and recognition system, and the development of student self-awareness and self-management.

For more information, please visit the district Behavioral and Social-Emotional Supports page.

Social Emotional Learning at Marshall

Thurgood Marshall is a Sanford Harmony Demonstration School. For the past two years, Thurgood Marshall has partnered with National University to implement Harmony daily within the classroom at school-wide.

What is SEL? “Social emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which boys and girls and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary for being a healthy adult. This includes problem-solving skills and intergender communication and understanding, as well as teaching kids to embrace diversity and build healthy relationships that will last well into adulthood."

California PBIS Recognition - Bronze Winner

Marshall Elementary proud to have California PBIS Recognition. At Marshall Elementary, we have a thriving PBIS committee and we find ways to support the culture and climate for students and staff.

What is PBIS? “As a “framework,” the emphasis is on a process or approach, rather than a curriculum, intervention, or practice. The “continuum” notion emphasizes how evidence- or research-based behavioral practices are organized within a multi-tiered system of support, also called “response-to-intervention” Within this definition, the mutually beneficial relationship between academic and social behavior student success is. Finally, the important supportive relationship between positive school- and classroom-wide culture and individual student success is emphasized.”

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