Greetings Parents and Guardians. Welcome to Thurgood Marshall Elementary School -- Home of the Mustangs!
My name is Dr. Cooke and on behalf our school community, we welcome you as partners in supporting your students’ academic, physical and social-emotional growth. Our school is named after the legendary Supreme Court
Justice, Thurgood Marshall, who we model our sense of commitment to service. Our mascot is the mustang that symbolizes strength, grace, and diversity. My goal as your principal is to create a school environment where all students are valued like our namesake and can uniquely express themselves like our mascot. Many Mustangs! One Herd!
The elementary school years are some of the most memorable and exciting times for our families and students. It is a time of great growth and self-discovery. We will do everything possible to cultivate a safe, caring, andsupportive environment for your child. We have a top-notch staff who brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to each classroom. We collaborate consistently on new ways to meet each child's unique needs. Our support staff are dedicated members of this community who will provide great service to you and your student.
As we build on the legacy of our great school, I invite you to stay involved and informed. Please consistently refer to our weekly newsletter and emails/text messages. You will find our website to be a great source of information as well. On our website, you will find information for joining the Parent Teacher Club. I hope to meet you at a future Coffee and Tea with the Principal.
I am committed to your child's success. I encourage you to reach out to me with any questions, concerns, and/or suggestions you might have to improve our school. I am a member of this community and I have two children (and two dogs!) who have been through our school system. I am fortunate to be a part of a great district and community.
Each new school year presents an awesome opportunity to accomplish new goals, meet new people and to start exploring new interests. Our counselor, teachers, psychologist, and classified staff are here to help you and your students during this journey. In order for us to become stronger partners and advocates for each other, I do ask parents and guardians to please consider some of the professional norms that I expect of all Mustangs:
- Assume Positive Intentions. We are here to do our best and at times there can be miscommunication or misunderstandings about expectations. Engage in a positive and professional dialogue with your concerns. It is always best to start with the teachers. We will provide our students and community members with the Mustangs Expectations Handbook at the beginning of the school year. Please familiarize yourself with the policies and procedures.
- Seek Solutions Together. We are committed to a constructive and positive partnership. Often, there is information that we are not privy to concerning your student. Let us use our resources at school to assist you and make accommodations to the best of our ability. We are a team.
- Stay Involved. We hope you will join us regularly at school events and be a part of our parent-teacher organization. Continue to ask your students what they were learning, how they learned it/demonstrated mastery and why they were learning it. Check in about social and emotional needs – We have tremendous resources to assist as needed.
Let's have a great year! Go Mustangs!
In Service,

Ricardo Cooke, Ed.D.
Thurgood Marshall Elementary School
2295 Mackenzie Creek Road
Chula Vista, CA 91914
P: (619) 656-6252 Ext. 550100
E: [email protected]
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