English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)

ELAC Chair: Rosa Hernandez Gonzalez
To support our English Learners along their paths to lifelong learning and success!
What is ELAC?
ELAC is an elected committee of parents, staff, and community members specifically designated to advise school officials on English Learner program services. ELAC is required if there are 21 or more English Learners at the school site. TMES has 78 ELLs this school-year.
ELAC Responsibilities
Provide input on:
- Programs/services for ELL’s.
- Single Plan for Student Achievement.
- School budget linked to ELL.
- Needs Assessment.
- Annual Language Census.
- Ways to make parents aware of the importance or regular school attendance and on time.
Who can Participate?
Membership Requirements for ELAC:
- Parents of English Learners must be on the committee.
- Percent of EL parents must at minimum be the same as % of EL students at the school.
- Additional members may include school staff, non EL parents and/or community members.