Functions of a School Site Council (SSC)
Role of SSC Members:
- Review and monitor the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
- Oversee categorical and supplemental funds in support of the SPSA
- Regularly attend SSC meetings
- Become knowledgeable of state and local educational issues related to assessment, curriculum, and instruction
- Communicate SSC business internally and externally
- Review District policies
- Develop an annual meeting calendar
- Review bylaws annually
A School Site Council Is Not…
- A school management body
- A policy-making body
- A political organization
- A personnel committee
- A grievance committee
- A fundraising organization
- An extension of the PTC
- A social group
Composition of the SSC: Elementary
Any school which has two or more grades in the K-6 grade span:
- 10 member minimum, if all categories are to be represented
- One half staff and one half parents/community members
- Staff includes: Principal, majority of classroom teachers, other staff
Bylaws: SSC Bylaws Updated May 2020
Final Home School Compact SSC Approved 20.21
SSC Meeting Calendar 2020/2021: Proposed Meeting Dates and Times 20.21
September 2021 SSC 9.8.2021
October 2021: SSC October 2021 Section 1 SSC October 2021 Section 2
November 2021: SSC 11.18 Part 1 SSC 11.18 Part 2
December 2021: DRAFT TMES SSC Pages 1.35 12.9.2021 TMES SSC Pages 35.70 12.9.2021
January 2022: SSC 1.27.2022
February 2022: SSC 2.17.2022
April 2022: SSC Meeting 4.28.2022
May 2022: SSC 5.19.2022